
Скачать с Яндекс диска AW Teaches – Audrey Woulard – In BeTween The Gap

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File Name:AW Teaches – Audrey Woulard – In BeTween The Gap
Content Source:https://awteaches.com/in-between-the-gap/
Genre / Category:Photography
File Size :151 MB
Updated and Published:April 16, 2024
Product Details

  • Are you tired of competing with the flood of photographers who choose to target newborns, families, and Seniors?
  • Are you a Senior photographer who wants to add a teen line to your business?
  • In Between the Gap….
  • This video is a guide to marketing to the modern-aged Tween and their parents. The title In between the Gap was chosen because, in our industry, this age is directly in the middle of the most photographed genres…newborns and Seniors!
  • I’ve seen many photographers attempt to appeal to this market, but it proved to be unsuccessful. They may get a tween here and there…but that’s it.
  • When the industry became saturated, there was such a competition amongst the newborn/family market. I’ve been in business for 15 years, and I have photographed tweens and young teens exclusively for the last 15 years.
  • I noticed this untapped market and began to really focus on this genre…well..because no one else is really doing it!
  • In this video, I go over exactly how I marketed to this genre.

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