A Designer's Guide to Printing with Photoshop
We'll start this Photoshop tutorial by learning about the RGB and CMYK color models, which are color models every designer must understand.
What you'll learn
We'll start this Photoshop tutorial by learning about the RGB and CMYK color models, which are color models every designer must understand. From here, we will begin learning about several topics that are specific to preparing jobs for commercial printing. First, we will spend a little bit of time learning about the difference between screen resolution and print resolution. Next, we'll move on and learn about topics like sport color and process color, the appearance of black, separating artwork for both process and spot-printing, and how we can manage our ICC color profiles. We'll wrap up this course by learning how to prepare a press-ready PDF in Photoshop.After completing this tutorial, you will have a good understanding of the concepts, tools, and techniques used to prepare print-ready documents in Adobe Photoshop.
Table of contents
Creating Photoshop Documents That Are Intended for Print
Understanding the Difference Between Screen and Print Resolution
Setting up Bleeds for a Photoshop Document
Spot Color and Process Color Printing
Controlling the Appearance of Black
Preparing Color Separated Artwork for Process Color Printing
Applying Spot Colors to Continuous Tone Images
Preparing Color Separated Artwork for Spot Color Screen Printing
Color Management and Soft Proofing
Saving Press-ready PDFshttps://www.pluralsight.com/courses/a-designers-guide-printing-photoshop-839